Supabase Admin

Published: Thursday, 23 Sep 2021

Updated: Wednesday, 18 Oct 2023

This is the Supabase equivalent of the Firebase Admin SDK.

Why do I need Supabase Admin?

You need this capability for certain actions in your server side code.

Your server will (generally) not have a valid user session, which means it cannot interact with your database tables with row level security (RLS) implemented.

E.g. you have an endpoint that receives Stripe webhooks and want to persist some details from the webhook to a RLS enabled table.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

The entire point of the Supabase Admin is to bypass your security. Therefore, ensure the admin is never exposed client-side, and only use the admin if absolutely necessary.

Again, never use the admin in client-side code. If you set it up as per this page, SvelteKit itself will prevent you from accidentally importing Supabase Admin into your client-side code!

How do I do it?

It’s really simple.

Grab the service_role_key secret from your Supabase > Settings > API and add it as an environment variable.

// .env.local


Then create a client like normal but use the service_role_key instead of the anon key.

// src/lib/utils/supabaseAdmin.js

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';
import {
} from '$env/static/private';

export const supabaseAdmin = createClient(

Note that this imports via $env/static/private. Check out my post on Environment Variables in SvelteKit

Now you can use supabaseAdmin in your project’s server-side code to bypass all row level security.

You use supabaseAdmin the same way you use the normal supabase client.


import { supabaseAdmin } from '$lib/utils/supabaseAdmin';

await supabaseAdmin.from('table_name').select('*');